I'm Alyssa, an illustrator, designer, and librarian escapee. I graduated from Massachusetts College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration and a minor in Art History. When I'm not illustrating, I'm busy with cosplay, mushroom photography, and podcast co-hosting on Buckkeep Radio
Light Grey Art Lab  |  The End is Nigh Exhibition | 2021
The White Wolf’s Pack: A 'The Witcher' Fanzine | 2023 | Illustration Participant
We Live Again: A Gargoyles Zine | 2019 | Organizer, Designer, Layout, Cover Artist, Spot Illustrations
90's Babes Zine | 2019 | Illustration Participant
Bruja Cotidiana Zine | 2017 | Comic Artist/Writer
1001 Knights Anthology | 2016 | Comic Artist/Writer
Guest Illustrator |  Wrath of the Autarch RPG | 2016
Illustrator | D'ambrogio, Jana L. "Reengineering Broken Books (RBB): A Minimally-Interventive Tissue Repair Technique for Hollowback Books." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 0 (2021): 1-12. Web.
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